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This is a list of potential answers on the BVM Practical test. If you feel an additional variation is needed please send it in and we will add it.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
bsi | Open Airway | Insert Adjunct | Choose Appropriate Mask | Connect Reservoir to O2 | 15 lpm | Open Airway |
b.s.i. | open airway | Insert Airway | select mask | Connect O2 | 15 LPM | open airway |
BSI | open | insert airway | SELECT MASK | connect O2 | 15LPM | open |
B.S.I. | airway | insert OPA | Select Mask | CONNECT O2 | 15lpm | airway |
body substance isolation | OPEN AIRWAY | insert opa | Select Appropriate Size Mask | Connect Oxygen | 15 liters per minute | OPEN AIRWAY |
Body substance isolation | head tilt chin lift | insert adjunct | SELECT APPROPRIATE SIZE MASK | CONNECT OXYGEN | 15 Liters Per Minute | head tilt chin lift |
BODY SUBSTANCE ISOLATION | Open airway | INSERT ADJUNCT | Select Appropriate Mask | hook up O2 | Adjust oxygen to 15 LPM | Open airway |
Body Substance Isolation | Head tilt chin lift | INSERT AIRWAY | select proper sized mask | Connect reservoir and oxygen | 15L/min O2 | Head tilt chin lift |
Takes or verbalizes body substance isolation precautions | Open patient airway | insert appropriate airway adjunct | Select Appropriate Sized Mask | connects reservoir and oxygen | adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute or greater | Open patient airway |
Takes, or verbalizes, body substance isolation precautions | open patient airway | Insert adjunct | select appropriate sized mask | Connects reservoir and oxygen | Adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute or greater | open patient airway |
takes or verbalizes body substance isolation precautions | Open PT airway | voices inserting an airway adjunct | Select appropriate sized mask | Connects Reservoir to O2 | adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute | Open PT airway |
takes bsi precautions | open pt airway | Voices inserting an airway adjunct | selects mask | Connects O2 | Adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute | open pt airway |
Takes bsi precautions | Open patient's airway | Insert opa | SELECTS MASK | connects O2 | adjust O2 to 15 liters per minute | Open patient's airway |
Take bis precautions | open patient's airway | voices inserting adjunct | Selects Mask | CONNECTS O2 | Adjust O2 to 15 liters per minute | open patient's airway |
take BSI precautions | Open PT's airway | Voices inserting adjunct | Selects Appropriate Size Mask | Connects Oxygen | adjust O2 to 15 lpm | Open PT's airway |
Take BSI precautions | open pt's airway | voices inserting airway | SELECTS APPROPRIATE SIZE MASK | CONNECTS OXYGEN | Adjust O2 to 15 lpm | open pt's airway |
bsi precautions | voice opening the airway | Voices inserting airway | Selects Appropriate Mask | hooks up O2 | adjust oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute | voice opening the airway |
BSI precautions | voice opening the airway | insert oral adjunct | selects proper sized mask | Connects reservoir and oxygen | Adjust oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute | voice opening the airway |
put on gloves | voices opening the airway | Insert oral adjunct | Selects Appropriate Sized Mask | connects reservoir and O2 | adjust oxygen flow to 15 lpm | voices opening the airway |
Put on gloves | Voices opening the airway | insert an airway adjunct | selects appropriate sized mask | connect reservoir and O2 | Adjust oxygen flow to 15 lpm | Voices opening the airway |
put gloves on | voices opening airway | Insert an airway adjunct | Selects appropriate sized mask | Connects reservoir and O2 | adjust flow to 15 liters per minute | voices opening airway |
Put gloves on | Voices opening airway | insert airway adjunct | choose correct mask | Connect reservoir and O2 | Adjust flow to 15 liters per minute | Voices opening airway |
verbalize body substance isolation precautions | voice airway open | Insert airway adjunct | Choose correct mask | connect O2 | adjust oxygen to 15 liters per minute | voice airway open |
Verbalize body substance isolation precautions | Voice airway open | put in an airway | Select appropriately sized mask | hook up oxygen | Adjust oxygen to 15 liters per minute | Voice airway open |
gloves | voice opening airway | Put in an airway | selects mask | Hook up oxygen | adjust oxygen to 15 lpm | voice opening airway |
bsi scene safety | Voice opening airway | voice inserting an airway adjunct | SELECTS MASK | Hook up O2 | Adjust oxygen to 15 LPM | Voice opening airway |
Gloves | airway open | Voice inserting an airway adjunct | Selects Mask | connect bvm to oxygen | adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute or greater | airway open |
verbalize bsi | Airway open | voice inserting adjunct | Selects Appropriately Size Mask | Connect BVM to oxygen | adjusts O2 to 15 liters per minute | Airway open |
Verbalize BSI | Open Air way | Voice inserting adjunct | SELECTS APPROPRIATELY SIZE MASK | connect bvm to O2 | Adjusts O2 to 15 liters per minute | Open Air way |
put my gloves on | open air way | voice inserting airway | Selects Appropriately Mask | connect BVM to O2 | adjusts O2 to 15 lpm | open air way |
Put my gloves on | open | Voice inserting airway | selects proper sized mask | connect oxygen to BVM | Adjusts O2 to 15 lpm | open |
Takes BSI precautions | air way | put in adjunct | Selects Appropriately Sized Mask | Connect oxygen to BVM | adjusts oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute | air way |
Takes bsi precautions | OPEN AIR WAY | Put in adjunct | selects appropriately sized mask | connect oxygen to BVM | Adjusts oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute | OPEN AIR WAY |
Take body substance isolation precautions | Open air way | put in airway | Selects appropriately sized mask | connect oxygen to reservoir | adjusts oxygen flow to 15 lpm | Open air way |
Takes body substance isolation precautions | Open patient air way | Put in airway | Select Appropriately Size Mask | Connect Reservoir to o2 | Adjusts oxygen flow to 15 lpm | Open patient air way |
Scene safe BSI | open patient air way | Put an airway in | SELECT APPROPRIATELY SIZE MASK | Connect o2 | adjusts flow to 15 liters per minute | open patient air way |
Scene Safety BSI | Open PT air way | put an airway in | Select Appropriately Sized Mask | connect o2 | Adjusts flow to 15 liters per minute | Open PT air way |
Scene safety bsi | open pt air way | Insert Air way | select appropriately sized mask | CONNECT o2 | adjusts oxygen to 15 liters per minute | open pt air way |
Open patient's air way | insert air way | Select appropriately sized mask | hook up o2 | Adjusts oxygen to 15 liters per minute | Open patient's air way | |
open patient's air way | INSERT AIR WAY | choose mask | Connects Reservoir to o2 | 15 liters per minute or greater | open patient's air way | |
Open PT's air way | insert appropriate air way adjunct | Choose Mask | Connects o2 | 15 Liters Per minute or greater | Open PT's air way | |
open pt's air way | voices inserting an air way adjunct | Choose mask | connects o2 | Adjust oxygen to 15 LPM or greater | open pt's air way | |
voice opening the air way | Voices inserting an air way adjunct | Selects correct mask size | CONNECTS o2 | adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute or greater | voice opening the air way | |
voice opening the air way | voices inserting air way | selects correct mask size | hooks up o2 | Adjusts liter flow to 15 liters/minute or greater | voice opening the air way | |
voices opening the air way | Voices inserting air way | choose the right mask | connects reservoir and o2 | adjust O2 to 15 liters per minute or greater | voices opening the air way | |
Voices opening the air way | insert an air way adjunct | Choose the right mask | connect reservoir and o2 | Adjust O2 to 15 liters per minute or greater | Voices opening the air way | |
voices opening air way | Insert an air way adjunct | Get the correct mask | Connects reservoir and o2 | adjust O2 to 15 lpm or greater | voices opening air way | |
Voices opening air way | insert air way adjunct | Use the correct mask | Connect reservoir and o2 | Adjust O2 to 15 lpm or greater | Voices opening air way | |
voice air way open | Insert air way adjunct | use the correct mask | connect o2 | adjust oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute or great | voice air way open | |
Voice air way open | put in an air way | use correct mask | Hook up o2 | Adjust oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute or great | Voice air way open | |
voice opening air way | Put in an air way | Pick correct mask | connect bvm to o2 | adjust oxygen flow to 15 lpm or greater | voice opening air way | |
Voice opening air way | voice inserting an air way adjunct | pick correct mask | connect BVM to o2 | Adjust oxygen flow to 15 lpm or greater | Voice opening air way | |
air way open | Voice inserting an air way adjunct | choose a mask | Connect reservoir to oxygen | adjust flow to 15 liters per minute or greater | air way open | |
Air way open | voice inserting air way | Choose a mask | connects reservoir to oxygen | Adjust flow to 15 liters per minute or greater | Air way open | |
open the airway | Voice inserting air way | Connects reservoir to oxygen | adjust oxygen to 15 liters per minute or greater | re-Open Airway | ||
Open the airway | put in air way | Connects reservoir to oxygen | Adjust oxygen to 15 liters per minute or greater | re-open airway | ||
Open the patients airway | Put in air way | connects reservoir to O2 | adjust oxygen to 15 lpm or greater | re-open | ||
open the patients airway | Put an air way in | connect reservoir to O2 | Adjust oxygen to 15 LPM or greater | re-OPEN AIRWAY | ||
put an air way in | Connects reservoir to O2 | adjusts O2 to 15 liters per minute or greater | re-Open airway | |||
Voices inserting airway adjunct | Connect reservoir to O2 | Adjusts O2 to 15 liters per minute or greater | re-Open patient airway | |||
insert an adjunct | connects reservoir to o2 | adjusts O2 to 15 lpm or greater | re-open patient airway | |||
Insert an adjunct | connect reservoir to o2 | Adjusts O2 to 15 lpm or greater | re-Open PT airway | |||
put in an adjunct | Connects reservoir to o2 | adjusts oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute or gre | re-open pt airway | |||
Put in an adjunct | Connect reservoir to o2 | Adjusts oxygen flow to 15 liters per minute or gre | re-Open patient's airway | |||
attaches oxygen | adjusts oxygen flow to 15 lpm or greater | re-open patient's airway | ||||
Attaches oxygen | Adjusts oxygen flow to 15 lpm or greater | re-Open PT's airway | ||||
Attaches O2 | adjusts flow to 15 liters per minute or greater | re-open pt's airway | ||||
attaches O2 | Adjusts flow to 15 liters per minute or greater | voice re-opening the airway | ||||
attach O2 | adjusts oxygen to 15 liters per minute or greater | voice re-opening the airway | ||||
Attach O2 | Adjusts oxygen to 15 liters per minute or greater | voices re-opening the airway | ||||
hook up the o2 | Adjusts to 15 liters | Voices re-opening the airway | ||||
Hook up the o2 | Adjusts to 15 liters per min | voices re-opening airway | ||||
Hook up the oxygen | Adjusts to 15 lpm | Voices re-opening airway | ||||
hook up the oxygen | adjusts to 15 LPM | voice airway open | ||||
hook up oxygen | 15 liters a minute | Voice airway open | ||||
adjust the flow to 15 liters per minute | voice re-opening airway | |||||
Adjust the flow to 15 liters per minute | Voice re-opening airway | |||||
adjust the flow to 15 LPM | re-Open Air way | |||||
Adjust the flow to 15 lpm | re-open air way | |||||
Adjust the flow to 15 LPM | re-open | |||||
re-OPEN AIR WAY | ||||||
re-Open air way | ||||||
re-Open patient air way | ||||||
re-open patient air way | ||||||
re-Open PT air way | ||||||
re-open pt air way | ||||||
re-Open patient's air way | ||||||
re-open patient's air way | ||||||
re-Open PT's air way | ||||||
voice re-opening the air way | ||||||
voice re-opening the air way | ||||||
voices re-opening the air way | ||||||
Voices re-opening the air way | ||||||
voices re-opening air way | ||||||
Voices re-opening air way | ||||||
voice re-opening air way | ||||||
Voice re-opening air way | ||||||
reOpen Airway | ||||||
reopen airway | ||||||
reopen | ||||||
reOPEN AIRWAY | ||||||
reOpen airway | ||||||
reOpen patient airway | ||||||
reopen patient airway | ||||||
reOpen PT airway | ||||||
reopen pt airway | ||||||
reOpen patient's airway | ||||||
reopen patient's airway | ||||||
reOpen PT's airway | ||||||
reopen pt's airway | ||||||
voice reopening the airway | ||||||
voice reopening the airway | ||||||
voices reopening the airway | ||||||
Voices reopening the airway | ||||||
voices reopening airway | ||||||
Voices reopening airway | ||||||
voice airway open | ||||||
Voice airway open | ||||||
voice reopening airway | ||||||
Voice reopening airway | ||||||
reOpen Air way | ||||||
reopen air way | ||||||
reopen | ||||||
reOPEN AIR WAY | ||||||
reOpen air way | ||||||
reOpen patient air way | ||||||
reopen patient air way | ||||||
reOpen PT air way | ||||||
reopen pt air way | ||||||
reOpen patient's air way | ||||||
reopen patient's air way | ||||||
reOpen PT's air way | ||||||
voice reopening the air way | ||||||
voice reopening the air way | ||||||
voices reopening the air way | ||||||
Voices reopening the air way | ||||||
voices reopening air way | ||||||
Voices reopening air way | ||||||
voice reopening air way | ||||||
Voice reopening air way | ||||||
Voices re-opening of airway | ||||||
Voice re-opening of airway | ||||||
re-open the airway | ||||||
Re-open the airway |
Copyright 2006 EMT National Training - TheLake Inc.