Minnesota Certification and Licensing Exam for EMT and Paramedics

Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Board - Licensing and Certification of EMTs and Paramedics.

emt training online emt courses

Like many states Minnesota has elected to utilize the NREMT / National Registry Exam as its method for determining an EMT or Paramedics aptitude. Certification and Licensure are based on this exam. Passing the NREMT will give the EMT or Paramedic the credentials they need to become a licensed and certified EMT in Minnesota.

The NREMT is currently using Computer Adaptive Testing as the vehicle for presenting the EMT exam. The student sits at a computer and answers questions 1 at a time until the EMT testing application has determined that the EMT candidate is either qualified or unqualified and then the exam abruptly ends. There is no predetermined number of questions on the exam.

EMT National Training has created an online EMT practice testing application that will allow you to prepare for the NREMT exam. The application consists of almost 2,500 EMT and Paramedic multiple choice questions that are broken down into the same 7 categories as the NREMT exam. EMT exams can be created from this pool of questions into exams of 10 to 30 questions. Each EMT test is taken, graded and displayed online with the correct answers as well as an explanation of the correct answer.

Here is a list of all the EMT training programs in Minnesota. This list is dated 2006, but we assume most of the training facilities are still on the approved list.

The state of Minnesota requires that you login to their website in order to download any of the EMT applications that they have online. You can find this information and more on EMSRB Online. Additionally this resource can be used for registering an EMT course and Exam permits for EMT and First responders. You must already have login and password info.

Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
2829 University Avenue South East,
Suite 310 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414
(651) 201-2800

Lauren Everett - Certification Specialist
(651) 201-2817