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Airway, Respiration and Ventilation:

1. You arrive on scene with your partner Emilio to find a woman who is having problems breathing. She is speaking in 1 or 2 word bursts and is on oxygen at 3 liters per minute. There is an ashtray next to her bed loaded with cigarette butts. She says her care taker called the ambulance and she does not want you there. She says she will allow you to take her vitals but then you have to leave. Her BP is 100/60 her pulse is 48 and her respirations are 18. She says she is 89 years old and has a pacemaker and is on high blood pressure medication. "I just want to be old, please leave", she says. What should you do?

2. You and your partner Larry are dispatched for a call to a man with severe stomach pain. When you arrive on scene you find him lying on the floor of the kitchen in the fetal position. There is vomit on his face and he says he is going to throw up again. He denies falling and says the only thing wrong is that his stomach is killing him. Assessing his abdomen you find it to be very tender to the touch and he moans when you palpate his stomach. He is also breathing very fast at 30 a minute. What other signs and symptoms might you find with this patient?

3. You are intubating a female patient with assistance from your partner Rudy. After inserting the ET tube and inflating the cuff Rudy auscultates and finds breath sounds in the right lung only. This is a sign for you to?

4. The pediatric assessment triangle is composed of three elements:

5. You and your partner Duval arrive on scene to find a woman who has suffered a blunt trauma to the chest from a swing on a carnival ride. She is having difficulty breathing and upon auscultation you hear nothing on the right side. This woman likely has a______________________ and would be suffering from_____________________as the collapsed lung is incapable of oxygenating any blood.

6. What are diuretics like Furosemide used for?

7. A respiration rate would be considered within normal limits for an adult at____ per minute, for a 6-12 year old child at ____ per minute, and for an infant at____ per minute.

8. Your patient is an 18 month old boy who, as reported by his mother, is "acting strange". You arrive to find the child reclined in his mother's arms. "I don't know what's wrong with him," she says. "I came out of the bathroom and he started making odd sounds and had spit running out of his mouth." What is the first thing you should do?

9. You and your partner Amy arrive on scene to find a woman with hives over much of her body. She is wheezing and complaining of difficulty breathing. Her husband says she was stung by a hornet and has no prior history of allergies. What would be the best course of action?

10. You are intubating a 53 year old woman who is unconscious and has no gag reflex. Just after placing the tube and inflating the cuff you auscultate the epigastrum and lungs. You are unsure if tube placement is correct as there were conflicting sounds in the epigastrum. You should?